Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ali Ben Dang?

So I got up rather early this morning, probably around 6:45. I have no idea why, I just couldn't sleep anymore... It's giving me a chance, however, to post something which I haven't in a little while.

The Faith team just arrived back from Bongolo Hospital last night. What a blessing to get them back safe and sound. God did great things in and through them down there. The South Shore team has been working at the Ali Ben Dang church in Libreville. Already an established church in its area, just making some repairs and doing other projects at the site. Basically, installing a wood ceiling in the pastor's house and finding solutions for water-runoff at the Sunday school wing. Today we'll work in the morning and then go to Hope House in the afternoon. I love going to HH because it really is relaxing and lighthearted when we see the kids. Please continue to pray for the housing situation. I'll post pictures soon of the land that they obtained.

Also just want to quickly throw something on that is on my mind. Family. Yes, my own which is awesome, but also how relationships here are so familial. It blows my mind whenever different Gabonese walk through our front door and see me. They bellow out my name like they've known me for ages. I may have met them once, but they know my name all the more. Family is so important, literally and figuretively as friends. We are to care for one another as our family cares for us. You know the one verse that sticks out in my head? Luke 10:27 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself." Think about it.


  1. Wonderful post - I liked this one a lot :)

    btw, love the playlist! "O Praise Him" is one of my favorite songs!

  2. are one of those people that everyone calls a friend...i have only known you thru words and pictures but your soul shows through! you have been a blessing to all the kids that you have met (and as only a guy can do...casual and playful)...God knew he needed a guy to balance out all those girls! can't wait to see what you do next...look out for lindsay...and know that you have friends in south, tam tam
